Day 4

I had a bad nights sleep. Wasn’t in pain, just lay awake for a long time. This morning I feel exhausted. Pain is minimal, like yesterday just a dull ache in the perinium and some slight discomfort from the catheter. Swelling in my testicles seems to be going down and I am getting used to how to strap the catheter so it causes minimal discomfort. Sometimes I don’t even feel like it’s there. As the day went on my pain decreased to a point where I had no pain at all. I did carry on taking paracetamol and ibuprofen but in more spaced out doses (every 6 hours instead of 4). Bran flakes and fruit has pretty much been my diet throughout the day as I am very conscious that constipation would be a horrible thing to endure with a catheter. Must keep them stools soft!
Think I’ve been sitting down for too long this evening. The pain in my perinium has increased so I decided laying down on the bed would be better.

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